
Making a Smooth Color Gradient

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Kick your video up a notch with these color gradient tricks. You can use gradient as a sunset stunner background, create mood shots, or striking graphics for your next presentation slides.

1. Find the spotlight prop

Search the Business Friendly prop library for ‘gradient’ and add the spotlight prop to the stage.

2. Contrast with a bright background

A simple yet effective way to use this prop is against a background of a different color.

3. Use two for angled gradient

Another way to create a smooth color gradient is by using two spotlight props fading into one another. Rotate them to adjust the angle of your gradient.

4. Mask with a shape

You can also put the spotlight prop on top of a shape, then right click to select ‘Mask’. This works really well for gradient hearts, triangles and other maskable props.


Have fun exploring smooth color gradients and finding the perfect color combo!

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7 Fantastic Ways to Use Silhouettes in Your Videos

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Vyond has a range of different components for customizing characters, but have you ever tried using the Character Creator to make a silhouette? This video offers seven different tricks for using silhouettes in your video in creative and interesting ways.

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Vehicle Props, Runway Actions, Healthcare and More


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Start your engines, and may the best vehicle prop win! Our latest selection of new content includes driving-related content like snow plows and trucks, catwalk actions for the runway, and more characters related to healthcare.

Here is a list of our newly added content:

  • Driving actions (Business Friendly): 4 actions for Adults
  • Vehicles (Business Friendly): 30 props in different angles including cube truck and snow plow
  • Runway (Business Friendly): 3 catwalk actions for Adults 
  • Runway (Contemporary): 2 catwalk actions 
  • Healthcare (Business Friendly): 8 new stock characters
  • Healthcare and characters in face masks (Contemporary): 16 stock characters
  • Babies (Business Friendly): 15 props including in car seats
  • Paywave (Business Friendly): 1 template, 1 prop, 1 action for digital payment
  • Paywave (Contemporary): 1 template, 1 prop, 1 action for digital payment
  • Petting or feeding animals (Business Friendly): 3 actions for Adults, 2 actions for Kids
  • Petting or feeding animals (Contemporary): 2 actions
  • Falling (Business Friendly): 2 actions for Adults tripping over
  • Falling (Contemporary): 2 actions of tripping over
  • Whispering (Business Friendly): 3 actions for Adults, 3 for Kids
  • Whispering (Contemporary): 3 actions
  • Fishing (Business Friendly): 2 actions for Adults and 3 props
  • Static handshake pose (Business Friendly): 2 actions
  • “Come on” actions (Business Friendly): 2 beckoning actions for Adults
  • “Look up” actions (Business Friendly): 2 actions for Adults and 2 for Kids
  • Reading and frantic page turning (Business Friendly): 2 actions for Adults
  • Reading and frantic page turning (Contemporary): 2 actions
  • Music symbols (Business Friendly): 10 props
  • Music symbols (Contemporary): 6 props
  • Palisade gate (Business Friendly): 3 props
Vyond Launch

Introducing Your Team


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Video is a useful tool you can integrate into your onboarding procedures. Whether it’s to introduce the whole team, or help other departments get familiar with one another, this video template makes it easy to swap in your own co-workers and introductions.

Tips for using this template

  • In the opening segment introduce your team with a short description of what the department or company does
  • The video explains what a team member does in their individual role as well as giving an overall snapshot of the team’s workflow for greater context
  • Consider adding some fun facts about the team

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