
Vyond Go Gets Smarter

We have improved a selection of the Vyond Go templates to deliver even more captivating videos that align with your prompt in seconds!

Using script-specific Vyond library props and even Shutterstock assets, the generated videos are even better tailored to your prompt.

See above one of the videos generated with Vyond Go’s enhanced template.

Moreover, a handful of new templates feature new types of characters in ‘Talking head’ layouts. Between making presentations and explainer videos, you can connect more easily with your audience using Vyond Go.

While Vyond Go is open to users in all plan types, Professional and Enterprise users can enjoy all of the videos including Shutterstock assets without a watermark. Try out our latest template styles and selection in Vyond Go now.

Learn more about Vyond Go layouts >

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Playful Contemporary and Narration Content Packs

Another selection of scenes now available as templates.

The location content created with playful and vibrant colors in the last release has been added to the template library as content packs! Find them in the library by searching ‘contemporary content’.

Additionally, we continue to expand our library of narration templates mixed with real-life elements to offer more realistic elements in your videos. Check out the different layouts in these content packs and quickly repurpose them for future projects! A small note that some of these videos feature Shutterstock photos, which are available on Professional, Agencies, and Enterprise plans only.

We update our template library regularly so make sure you check the page to see our latest additions.

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Please fill out a one-minute survey and help us continue to provide high quality Vyond experiences.
