
7 Fantastic Ways to Use Silhouettes in Your Videos

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Vyond has a range of different components for customizing characters, but have you ever tried using the Character Creator to make a silhouette? This video offers seven different tricks for using silhouettes in your video in creative and interesting ways.

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Meeting Invitations and Other Ways to Use Small Animations for Big Impact

This year, we’re dealing you in to better ways of communication with a full deck of ideas for using Vyond. Using GIFs for meeting invitations is one way to go beyond calendar notifications and get people excited to attend your next meeting.

Read more about fun ways to use GIFs in everyday communications >


Introducing Your Team


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Video is a useful tool you can integrate into your onboarding procedures. Whether it’s to introduce the whole team, or help other departments get familiar with one another, this video template makes it easy to swap in your own co-workers and introductions.

Tips for using this template

  • In the opening segment introduce your team with a short description of what the department or company does
  • The video explains what a team member does in their individual role as well as giving an overall snapshot of the team’s workflow for greater context
  • Consider adding some fun facts about the team

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